Monday, October 7, 2019

Disney World...arrival day

The next several posts are going to be Disney World related.  It was a great trip.  I can't say enough good things about it.  We stayed at the Beach Club Resort this time (a first for us and we all loved it). We arrived on Saturday, September 21st.  We landed a little after noon and headed to the hotel before dinner.  We were trying to take it easy on arrival day because we had such a long, busy week ahead.

Up in the wee hours of the morning, this little one is ready to head to the airport

Chocolate muffins while we wait to board the plane

Too big for Mommy's lap! This little boy gets his own seat now!!

Even Scarlet's baby, Bella, came along for the vacation

Just perusing some safety measures

Magic bands are on!  Evelyn was cracking us up pretending her magic band was a smart watch.  She played games on it and talked into it like a phone.

We are on the Magical Express Bus on our way to the hotel 

Watching cartoons on the bus

A view of the lagoon from our resort

We walked into the hotel and who was there??!  Donald and Daisy.  Just walking around on their way to the pool.  They spent so much time just hanging out with the kids.  We felt so special.

After checking in and getting settled, we were off to the Grand Floridian to have dinner with Cinderella and some other characters.
Lorelai was so cute.  Before we arrived she made some bracelets on her loom for some of the characters.  She chose colors based on their outfits.  Cinderella really adored hers!

Lady Tremaine liked her bracelet as well.  I think we softened her up a bit after presenting the gift because when we first walked into the dining room she kind of barked at us to get to our table.  Her bracelet was a deep red with touches of purple, teal (for her jewelry), and silver for her hair

Anastasia LOVED Joseph.  They flirted with each other non-stop.  He kept throwing himself at her and she'd give him kisses and he'd blush and giggle.  It was adorable

Joseph left this interaction with kisses all over his face.  She declared to the room that they would be wed tomorrow.  Then she said Scarlet would be her ring bearer, Evelyn her flower girl, and Lorelai would be in charge of her very long train.  

Look at those kisses all over his face

At the end of the dinner we got to take some pictures of Cinderella's glass slipper!

They normally don't let 3 year olds hold the slipper, but Scarlet was so careful with it.  I think she was even afraid to blink or smile!

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