Sunday, April 18, 2021

That’s gotta hurt...

 Scarlet had a run-in with a bar stool.  She wasn't fooling around or doing anything wrong, just trying to climb up on the stool to watch me make dinner.  Well, the stool tipped back, fell on top of her, and cracked her forehead open.  It was split open pretty deep.  Common sense says DON'T take her to an ER where someone pressed for time has the opportunity to scar her sweet face.  No, this is a job for DADDY!  How lucky we are!  We all went down to Joe's office where he could use his loops (magnifying glasses) and take all the time he needs to make it just perfect.  She cried the stool fell on her, and she was scared on the way to the clinic, but she didn't cry at ALL when she was being stitched or numbed up.  What a trooper!  I honestly think, girly as she is, she may be the bravest of the kids.  

On our way to the clinic.  She's not hurting now, just really scared

It may not look that bad in this picture but once Joe assessed the damage with his loops we saw that she opened it up all the way down to bone!  She had to have some deep stitches to close everything up and then Joe was meticulous in bringing the edges together to make the least noticeable scar.

We asked Scarlet what she wanted for being such a good patient....chocolate frosties and chicken nuggets it is!

Day one of healing

Day 2 of healing

Day 3 of healing

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