Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Bruno's first hike!

Many of you have already seen these pictures because I posted them on facebook but here they are again.  We took Bruno on his first hike today.  We had no idea how he would do.  This is a hike we've done before.  Great Danes are not sporting dogs and don't do well with endurance so we have to be careful not to overheat him.  He donned his backpack, filled with water and his leash and we were off.  I am so proud of how wonderful he did but I think he did double the hike as the rest of us as he traveled back and forth from the person up front to me and Joseph way in the back to check on everyone! He slept for the entire rest of the day!

Once you get to the overlook there are two directions you can go: to the waterfall (which we've done before and I've posted pictures) or up to the summit.  The path up to the top turns very steep and is difficult for the little kids and the dog.  I waited in the shade at the overlook with the little ones and Bruno while Daddy and Lorelai traveled the rest of the way.  They were rewarded with some stunning views!

Joseph and Scarlet busied themselves running down hills while we waited for Joe and Lorelai

Evelyn tried her hand at taking some pictures...

Look at these scavengers!  Swarming around the backpack of snacks!

Good Boy!

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