Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Our Christmas Day 2018...

Our Christmas Day...

It was a long day of opening presents and good food.  The kids did very well.  They didn't even wake up too early.  Scarlet (ever practical) wanted her breakfast first so she ate while others got ready to come downstairs for presents.  We opened Santa gifts first and Scarlet (ever practical) was the most concerned with making sure every scrap of paper ended up in the trash bag.  By the end, Evelyn was curled up next to the coffee table on the floor complaining that everyone else opening presents was "waking her up".  A lot of great memories were made.  I included a few videos and pictures of our morning...

Milk and cookies for Santa...and a carrot for the reindeer as well!

almost ready for bed...

I think this one needs to go back to bed!

Making her rounds on her Frozen vehicle.  And Joseph chases her around waiting for his turn

This silly slide was the highlight of Joseph's day.  It wasn't even from Santa!  He got the gift from a girlfriend of mine.  Well, it's his favorite.  At first he was a little rusty and wobbly on it but after a few runs he has it down!  He must have gone down this slide 40 times in a joke!  Then, to spice things up, he starts going down headfirst, etc.  Anything to keep Mom on her toes!

Learning to draw from the best artist in the family

Thanks Auntie for the baby carrier!

Still going strong on the slide

How many babies can one Momma cart around at once??!

My annual prime was the best yet!

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