Sunday, May 20, 2018


We took a short weekend trip to Cincinnati with the kids.  We just wanted to explore some new things and get out of town for a change of scenery.  The kids' favorite part is always staying in a hotel.  Now that we are a family of six, we are officially too large of a group to stay in one room so we had to get connecting rooms.  The girls loved that because they felt like they had their own space.

Getting ready to check in...

On Saturday we got up and went to Entertrainment Junction.  It's the World's largest model train display.  Sounded like a snooze-fest but was actually very neat!!  The models were so intricate, they had play areas for the kids to run around, and a fun house attached.  Lorelai and Daddy enjoyed the trains the most.

Scarlet, my little cleaner, is shoveling coal

exploring the play place

You could control all the trains and the sounds of the environments by the buttons posted on the walls.

Time to check out the fun house

Optical illusions made for some funny pictures

You can't tell by the picture, but this entire room was tilted 23 degrees.  It really messed with your head and it was easy to get dizzy and disoriented. 

Scarlet especially could not figure out how to walk in this room.

Scarlet's hanging on for dear life and I had to rescue her.  Evelyn had the bright idea to think she could run around in this environment.  It resulted in her somersaulting down the slope and bonking her head

The second day in Cincinnati we headed to the Zoo and Botanical Gardens.  Always a hot-spot for us!!

Lorelai is pretending to be a baby eaglet

Daddy and Evelyn together are the same height as a baby giraffe!

Trying to climb like an orangutan

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