Thursday, September 29, 2016

My day today...

And this was my day today...

It's 7:00am and this girl woke up on the right side of the bed today.  Lorelai loves her oatmeal.

Evelyn is a little more sluggish this morning

7:20...Time to get dressed for school, brush our teeth and do our hair.  Evelyn is very adamant about picking out her own clothes

7:40...Making our beds

7:45...The girls are just about ready for school and baby Scarlet is waking up

7:50...Scarlet gets nursed while Evelyn reads us a story

8:00...Picking out a cute outfit to go with her bed head

Lorelai is entertaining herself while I finish getting Scarlet and myself ready to go.  Her newest love...stencils

Evelyn gets to watch a quick cartoon before it's time to go

8:10...While Scarlet enjoys breakfast...blueberries, apples, and oatmeal

It's 8:30am and we are all loaded up, ready to take the girls to preschool

The girls are at school for three hours and we have to use this time to the fullest.  It's amazing how much I can get done when I only have Scarlet to watch.  Scarlet is very helpful in cleaning the bathrooms.

Despite Scarlet's "help", I was able to clean the master bathroom, guest bathroom, master bedroom, and the nursery.  Feeling productive!

The only bad thing about the kids being in school is that Scarlet wants to take a morning nap shortly before they need to be picked up.  If I let her sleep at this time, I have to wake her up to pick up the girls which leads to a short nap and sometimes, a cranky baby.  If I can keep her awake while the girls are in school, she is ready for nap the same time the girls are taking their nap....and three kids napping at the same time is AMAZING.  So, I was not so successful today...

Girls are picked up at 12:00pm and we are home in time for lunch at 12:20pm.  Lorelai has been learning about dinosaurs at school and she is showing off her Dino bracelets

Need a little help, Evelyn?

Evelyn is still getting used to school.  She really enjoys it but comes home exhausted.  She has just enough energy to eat a little lunch before I tuck her into bed for nap

Lorelai loves to show off all the work she did at school

Scarlet is enjoying lunch too.  Carrots, apples, and mango

This is one of Scarlet's newest favorite place to play...the pantry

1:00....Mommy's favorite time...nap time

Nap time for Lorelai too.  She takes her naps in the guest room because she is getting older and doesn't always sleep so she likes to read books.  She must have her Darth Vader pillow with her...

Yes, the girls are sleeping but Scarlet is wide awake

2:30...Lorelai loves playing with her baby sister.  Evelyn is still sleeping so they're playing nice and quiet

Silly girls! They are crawling around the house like this

5:00...Quick "dinner" because we have to be out the door early for horseback riding lessons.

5:15...We are on our way to riding lessons. 

Can you tell which of the girls took a nap and which one didn't?

5:45....Getting ready to ride!

6:15...riding is done.  I don't get many pictures of them on their ponies because parents are a distraction to the kids.  And it's true...if Evelyn sees me, all she does is wave and the instructors take the lessons very seriously.

6:30...Lorelai has soccer practice.  It's a quick dash to the field to make it in time and we change clothes in the car.

enjoying the sun while Lorelai plays soccer

7:30...Soccer practice is finishing up.  Packing up for home.

8:30...Baths done, pajamas on, teeth brushed...tired kids in bed and my day is over

Saturday, September 24, 2016


It's so cute to see Addie interact with the girls.  She is gentle with the baby but knows she can play a little rougher with Lorelai and Evelyn.  I can completely see how much the dog loves the girls and it's amazing...

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Evelyn's playing for.... ITALY!!

Evelyn is starting soccer this fall as well.  She isn't as competitive as Lorelai, but remember, Lorelai was four when she started playing and Evelyn just turned three.  Evelyn is in the "under 4" division.  They changed the ages of the divisions up this year so she is playing with all three and two year olds.  It's a bit chaotic to say the least, but they are still cute to watch.

Evelyn isn't always focused on the ball but when she's running around she always has a smile on her face.  She likes to make eye contact with me as she's running like she's saying, "Look at me, Mom!"  But sometimes she has no idea where the ball is!

I think she's ready!
Some videos of Evelyn playing...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Lorelai's playing for....ENGLAND!

Soccer has started and Lorelai has moved up to the "under 6" division.  She is team England!  The fields are a little bigger than last year and the quarters last a little longer.  They still don't play with goalies but the girls are much more competitive.

Scarlet is a little more interested with Mommy's purse, than the game...

And Evelyn is very entertained by the game...

Here are a few videos of her first game...