Sunday, August 14, 2016

First Day of School...

The girls had their first day of school in the beginning of August.  This seems absurd to me.  It is so early to go back!! It's still the middle of summer.  They get out of school early too...around the end of May.  Anyways, both the girls and Momma were excited.  Lorelai is in PreK-4, and Evelyn is in PreK-3.  Lorelai goes to school Monday through Thursday and Evelyn goes Monday through Wednesday from 9am-12pm.  It's only three hours but without them in the house it's amazing how much I am able to accomplish in such a short time! 

School started on a Thursday so the girls actually started school on different days.  Lorelai was first.  She is so excited to make new friends and meet her new teacher.

Lorelai initially told me she wanted to be a nurse when she grew up but changed her mind to doctor when I explained how the nurses help the doctors.  Her response, "I want the nurses to help me take care of the patients."  Whatever she decides to do in life, I have a feeling she'll be in charge.

This is Lorelai's go-to camera pose.  Portraying sweetness

Evelyn's career aspirations were a little more difficult to pin down.  She hasn't yet been vocal with me about what she wants to be when she grows up so I decided to just go off of her God-given talents for now.... Demolition Expert it is!

Evelyn is a little nervous but excited that it's "My turn?" for school.  She has the same teacher that Lorelai had last year so that makes for an easy transition

Evelyn looks up to her older sister so much.  She decided to pose just like Lorelai

Lorelai is such a good big sister.  She is excited and proud that it's Evelyn's first day of school!

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