Tuesday, May 17, 2016

New playground...

Ok, I CAVED!  Joe has been wanting to buy the girls a playset for a long time now.  I've been against it because when we move we'll have to disassemble and reassemble it.  He finally talked me into it.  Now to put the darn thing together.  Good thing Papa Joe and Maddie are here to help.  I was in charge of directions and fetching pieces and hardware (there were only like 1,000 pieces to choose from....and the instruction manual was only 92 pages long....How hard could this be?!).  It took 13.5 hours to complete which is pretty on par with what the directions estimated.  Papa Joe helped assemble and Maddie was on baby duty.  It would have easily taken twice as long without their help.  Maddie was amazing to entertain the kids and change diapers all day, feed lunches, etc.  It's done and it's beautiful but I am dreading taking it down when we have to move. 

Laying everything out...feeling overwhelmed

One hour in...look at all we accomplished!  Woohoo!  Only 88 more pages to go in the instructions...

Hour two...

Finished product!  My favorite part is the look-out tower.  You can see so far away!  The girls call to their friends when they see them playing in their yards

Don't even ask about the slide.  Biggest pain in the butt ever!  Good thing I have a strong husband who muscled it together.

All three, swinging merrily!

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