Saturday, April 30, 2022

Sunday, April 24, 2022


 Easter was just a relaxing day at home with the kids.  They explored their Easter baskets, had an epic egg hunt, and we finished with a wonderful prime rib dinner. 

There were 180 eggs total.  I think in one of the videos I mentioned there were 170 eggs but I had mis-counted.  The results were:

Lorelai: found 63 eggs (eight of those eggs had $1 bills in them so she found $8 total)

Evelyn: found 60 eggs (1 egg had $5, and 5 eggs had $1 for $10 total)

Scarlet: found 27 eggs (she found the golden egg with a $10 bill inside and another egg with $5 for a total of $15) Scarlet found the most money, but the least amount of eggs

Joseph: found 29 eggs (2 eggs had $1 inside, for $2 total)

If you do the math you'll notice that only 179 eggs were found.  The kids gave up looking after a while and Daddy ended up finding the lost egg and he got to keep the $1 inside!

Breakfast is over and she's already enjoying chocolate

She's intense when she's hunting eggs

Joseph found eggs hiding in the tree!

Scarlet with her golden egg and $10 bill

Saturday, April 16, 2022


I love the Egg-Mazing!  It's the best way for little kids to decorate eggs.  They can completely do it themselves and the end result is beautiful. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Spring Program

 The girls had their spring program at school.  I took a couple short videos of SOME of the songs they sung because I didn't want to sit there recording the entire show.  I was glad that Scarlet actually sang!! In all her preschool performances her shyness takes over and she would just stand and look miserable.  She's coming along.  

Skater girl

Evelyn is learning to roller skate!  For a clumsy girl she picked it up pretty quick 

Joseph’s learning

 I love to watch Joseph learn. I’ve been working on this “busy binder” for him to help colors, numbers, letters, etc. I can’t wait to homeschool!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Preschool homeschool

 The kids are finishing out their school year at their Catholic school... but next year, it's homeschool time.  Joseph still does preschool 3 days a week and will continue with another year.  We are starting his preschool program early, just to get him used to it and so there's no pressure.  He has some lessons taught by Mom and some that are more DVD led.  He loves it and doing so well!  I love this program.

Joseph learning about the amazing country we live in and how blessed we are to be Americans.

Joseph's "Teaching Tree" mounted on the wall.  He uses this to learn about the weather, seasons, and then we hide the letter of the day in the tree, the color of the day in the dog house, and the number of the day behind the bush.  

Finger puppets

Making homemade playdoh... he followed directions and did it all himself

Making numbers out of play-doh during his lessons

Learning about safety... he made his own traffic light

March wrap-up...

 Pictures from March...

Scarlet's Leprechaun trap that she made in school.  She said she put coins on the inside and gold on the outside of the tube so when the Leprechaun climbs up, he falls inside and can't get out.

Scarlet's kindergarten class with their Leprechaun traps!

Such a cute pair

Joseph was outgrowing his old Spiderman costume so I found a new one in his size.  He wears it all the time.  Spiderman is his favorite superhero. Look at those pecs!

Evelyn's learning coding with her Osmo

Spring break milkshakes? Yes, please!

Mornings are hard for this princess

Scarlet and her babies...

Scarlet's class went on a river walk with her class