Monday, February 28, 2022

Skiing…lesson 7

 The kids had their 7th skiing lesson on Saturday and we went skiing as a family on Sunday.  We did accomplish a milestone as Joseph rode the big chairlift up the mountain and skied down his first Green run.  It's nerve-wracking for me but he did so well!  It was fun to ski as a family.  Several videos below...

In this photo, Joseph is right in front of me, then Lorelai, then Scarlet and Joe.  Evelyn was around the corner already.

This time Lorelai had skied off ahead and she is out of the picture.  Having four kids on the mountain is like herding cats.  But look at that view!

Videos below in the web version...

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Frolicking in the snow

 We got a bit of snow, and everything is beautiful again.  Duchess hasn't played much in the snow since we got her because it's been melty, slushy, and muddy.  Now, she frolics with the kids!! Video below...

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

little reader...

 Scarlet's reading is greatly improving!  She is soaring through her homework. Video below...

Monday, February 14, 2022

Skiing…lesson 6

 The kids had their 6th  ski lesson and you can see the videos below.  They get better every single day!

Sunday, February 6, 2022

I know, I know…

 Yes I know I haven’t posted in months now. Life caught up with us and then I got so behind in the blog it seemed overwhelming. I’m gonna do some quick, short posts to catch up what was missed and try to move on as we did before. Posts coming…

They will be backdated as well so they're posted around the time the pictures occurred.  Thanks!

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Skiing…lesson 5

 These videos were taken after the kids' 5th ski lesson this year.  You'll find very few videos of Lorelai because her lessons go the entire day and I hardly see her.  The kids are really improving though!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

January wrap-up…

 Pictures from January…

Scarlet is very into "Spa Day" and applying masks to our faces

Not creepy at all...

Duchess is sassy and has no fear of Bruno.  He's amazing with her and makes sure to be gentle

Duchess had her first bath.  She is beyond pathetic

ALL the kids take ski lessons at the same time... this means that Joe and I get a ski date every Saturday morning.  Just me and my husband and the beauty around us

wacky dress day at school

What could possibly go wrong...