Monday, May 24, 2021


 Softball season is almost over and I broke out my camera, dusted it off after years of not touching it, and got a few pretty good pictures!  The pictures below are from a Wednesday's game against the Redhots, the three videos are from Saturday's game against Farmington...

Lorelai's getting good at baserunning.  Because she was paying attention, and being aggressive, she turned her single into a triple!  The other team had over thrown a couple balls and Lorelai kept rounding the bases!

She loves to hop onto home plate!

Lorelai's cheer section...

Three videos below.  Look how ominous the sky looks.  We had game delays because of lightening but we were still able to play due to a quick passing storm...

Friday, May 21, 2021


Let's face the facts... out of the entire family, Lorelai is the fisherman.  She would go for hours on end if you let her.  She just never tires of it.  Our HOA has restocked our lake with 800 trout!  Daddy has taken her by herself a few times and they were very successful!  The most recent visit to the lake, Dad took all three girls! It was a little much and I think we'll schedule more one-on-one trips in the future...but they had a great time!

yes, Scarlet wore a dress to go fishing.  There was no talking her out of it.  At least I got her in a pair of boots!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Bye Butterflies!

 In Lorelai's Easter basket she got a Butterfly habitat.  It came with a voucher to send away for a cup of caterpillars.  We got the caterpillars, watched them crawl around, they attached themselves to the top of the cup and began forming their chrysalis cocoon.  Then, Lorelai transferred them from the cup to the mesh basket habitat.  We observed them for days and they began to emerge, dry their wings and feed on homemade nectar.  It is time to release them before they start laying eggs.  Lorelai is sad to see them go but it was a great learning experience for all the kids!  There are videos at the end of the post in the web version....and yes, when we released, two butterflies were not quite ready to leave as they were too busy mating.  We can always order more caterpillars from the website so we hope to do this again!

It's exciting because we keep seeing them flutter about our backyard!

First butterfly to emerge and dry his wings

videos below...

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Ninja moves...

Joseph has some moves and he'll show them off for you anytime! This boy cracks me up!!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Tournament in Cortez

 Lorelai had her first softball tournament this weekend.  It was held in Cortez, CO and it was amazing! Finally, the girls were up against other teams of their same ability.  We've been playing tournament leagues and it's been hard on our girls, many of whom have never played the game before!  So it was incredibly motivating and confidence boosting for our girls to go up against some teams at their level! We had three games on Saturday: 11:00, 3:30pm, and 6:30pm so we were at the field all day.  How they played determined how many games they'd play on Sunday during single elimination.  

Lorelai's batting was amazing. The first two games she got on base every time.  The third game, she received her first strike out of the season but I think the call was terrible.  She was beyond exhausted by the end of the day.  

Sunday we played our first game at 11:00am.  If we won, we'd be in the tournament.  It was so close!! Almost went into extra innings.  Great game but we lost and went home after that.  It was such a good time!!  There's 10 videos below in the web version.

videos below...

Monday, May 10, 2021

Mother’s Day!

For Mother's Day, the kids let me "sleep in" while they made breakfast with Daddy.  They made pancakes, bacon, fruit, and made my coffee.  They also got me a new spring wreath for the front door that I had been wanting and they showered me with artwork they've been working on all week!

Last year for Mother's Day, we had only been in Durango for 2 weeks and some new friends took us on this waterfall hike right by our house.  It was great for the whole family (even the 2 year old that we had at the time).  When Joe asked me what I wanted to do this year, I told him I wanted to do the same hike!  Maybe it'll be a yearly tradition.  The kids are a bit older and we took Bruno this time too!

Great Mother's Day picture.  The water was low this year as we are still going through a drought.  Hopefully next year it's better!

Kids sending little stick/pinecone boats down the stream

All the kids have their own camebaks now!

Bruno did amazing! Hikes are hard for danes because they don't have a lot of stamina so we have to make sure they're nice and easy.  He carried his water, bowl, and towels and did great!  Although, he did sleep the rest of the day!

Waterfall picture by Lorelai and a Best Mom Worksheet by Lorelai

A card and picture from Evelyn. The card says "I love Mom because she is the best parent ever. I like her so much because she does the best mom ever. I love her the best.  Love, Evelyn." So I guess it's safe to say that I'm the best!

Artwork from Lorelai

Artwork by Evelyn and Scarlet.

Artwork made by Evelyn

Candle made by Evelyn at school

The flower pot is so cute, though the flower is struggling.  Hopefully we can save it.  Scarlet brought this home from school on Friday

Videos below in the web version...