Wednesday, August 28, 2019

bowling and playgrounds

We had a family fun night to celebrate the start of the school year.  We started with some family bowling, followed by an evening at a new playground we hadn't yet explored.  The kids were great and we had a blast.

Lorelai is leaning the ball, willing it to turn toward the pins

He's getting some air as he jumps around after knocking down some pins

Just to be clear, Mommy and Daddy bowled in one lane (no bumpers obviously).  The four kids bowled in the other lane with bumpers up.

OFFICIAL SCORE:  Don't judge...we are all mediocre bowlers at best!
     1st Place: Mommy (101)
     2nd Place: Joseph (93)
     3rd Place: Evelyn (84)
     4th Place: Daddy (81)
     5th Place: Scarlet (78)
     6th Place: Lorelai (71) and of course out of all the kids to come in last, this didn't cause any drama at all!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

splash pad again!

soaking up that last little bit of summer!

Every time Evelyn plays in the water she always needs a nap

legs for days!

My sweet little man...loves his Momma!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Our little fish...

We took way to long to make our way to the local pool.  The city actually has four of them and we were pleasantly surprised at all they have to offer!  Water slides and GREAT lifeguards make it easy to be at the pool stress-free.  All the kids love the water and never want to get out.  Lorelai is really excelling in her swimming.  So much so that I hardly saw her the entire morning...she must have gone up and down the slide 30 times!  She was even brave enough to go down the slide in the 12ft area with no help from Mom or Dad!  Joseph refuses all help with swimming.  He slowly makes it from point A to point B, climbs out and jumps in.

He's not drowning...just jumping in the water over and over

First days of school...

The three girls are all officially off to the first days of school.  They started back at different times but it's safe to safe that summer vacation is now officially over!  I'm excited to get back to a routine.

Lorelai is off to second grade.  This is quite an exciting moment.  She had an especially strict and difficult teacher last year, and we've heard only great things about Mrs. Godsave.  I'm thrilled to see she is excited for learning again and getting a fresh start!

Evelyn is in Kindergarten now and she is most excited about riding the bus!  She is also transitioning to all day school which will be an adjustment for sure. 

Scarlet is attending a preschool-3yr old program.  She goes twice a week from 9:00-2:00 which means she naps and eats lunch at school.  

She is loving showing off her new princess backpack