Sunday, June 30, 2019


This kid just keeps me going... all day long... Funny enough, the same day that this video was taken he climbed and proceeded to fall out of his crib so it has been converted into a toddler bed, which is a scary thought! I'm not ready!!!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Loves to brush!

When it's time to brush teeth around this house, it's been ending in a tantrum lately.  Joseph got a new electric toothbrush.  He loves it.  He'll brush all day if I let him.  He asks to brush his teeth as soon as he is done eating and he loves to walk around brushing his teeth.  Usually after ten minutes I make him put it away.  TEARS! SCREAMS!  Joseph is so mad!  He'll ask me periodically throughout the day if it's time to brush his teeth yet.  Future dentist?

He found the toothpaste... "Mom? Brush teeth?"

Mom had the audacity to take his toothbrush away

Taking matters into his own hands.  Found the stool and he's trying to brush all on his own

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Playing in the rain...

This new neighborhood is great for the kids.  They are outside constantly.  So on this rainy day, they felt cooped up and wanted to get out!!  After driving me crazy for a while I finally said, "FINE! go outside."  So they're all singing in the rain and having a ball.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Celebrating our Daddy

We celebrated our wonderful Daddy by taking our annual D-A-D pictures with the kids for Father's Day.  Joe took the older two girls to see Godzilla at the theater and Lorelai made him breakfast.  The girls also showered him with crafts and cards.  We are so lucky to have him.  Joe works so hard for this family, and we are truly blessed!

Little meat-eater...

This little boy is not a fan of vegetables.  He also doesn't really like most fruits, which is a little odd.  Bananas and watermelon are about all he tolerates.  But MAN, this kid loves meat, especially steak.  He gobbles it down.  This video shows him eating his third helping of prime rib!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Last Day of School...

The kids finished up the school year and all are ready for summer!  Here are their first and last day of school pictures... See how they've grown this year!

I am so proud of Scarlet this year.  Normally I don't put the kids in school so young, but she's been so shy and introverted, I really thought going to school would help her.  Over the last few months she's really coming out of her shell!  She's doing so well!

Friday, June 7, 2019

Evelyn's Graduation Pictures

Evelyn is off to Kindergarten and that means she's graduated from Preschool!  Adorable pictures!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

May wrap-up...

Sorry for the lack of posts.  We are in the midst of a PCS move and life is beyond hectic.  On top of the that, this is the first move in quite a few where we are actually downsizing our house (and our family is at it's largest!) so it's been a bit challenging.

Here are some May wrap-up pictures...

My little man

This poor tolerant

These two have a special little bond

why are boxes always so much fun for kids?

Special delivery!  Who would like to receive this in the mail?

Enjoying the rain at Lorelai's soccer practice.  Mom and Joseph are smart, and waiting in the car

Evelyn was "Scientist of the day".  She had to come up with an experiment, which we practiced at home, and perform for her classmates.

How many babies can we push in the stroller?? I think there's 9 or 10 right now...

I guess there was one too many babies....

Just chillin'

I know most people don't care much about the dogs, but this was too much of a facepalm not to share.  these two need to realize whose bowl is whose.

climbing magnolia trees in Jackson, Tennessee

He sure loves his pups

Super cute!

Watching the movers pack up the whole house

Distracted Mom + resourceful boy = donut thief

The donut box is now empty

Movers at the new house...gotta keep the kids entertained

This little boy loves the step stool.  He's been getting into everything including the junk drawer.  His favorite things are the flashlights and tape measures

Taking a Movie Moving break