Saturday, March 30, 2019

Horse show...

Lorelai, Evelyn, and I have an annual horse show at our riding facility.  The girls did amazing.  Not many ribbons were won this year (I later learned that their judge bailed at the last minute and they had to bring someone else in and honestly I didn't find her judging to be that great).  Regardless, their riding is showing so much improvement and growth.  Here are some pictures and videos...

All dolled up and ready to ride!

4th place in Equitation!

Lorelai even tried to take some pictures of me

Evelyn working the obstacle course

Evelyn's rides...

Lorelai's rides...

I didn't get good video of my rides.  Lorelai was all over the place with the camera and by this time Joe was home with the little ones.  I'm including a video of me doing one of my events during a lesson while I was practicing that my instructor took.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Baby Boy's first haircut...

It had to happen.  Joseph's hair was just getting a little too shaggy.  I had no idea how shaggy until he got his hair cut and it was like he grew up overnight!!  Both Lorelai and Evelyn got there first hair cut at 4 years old... and Scarlet still hasn't gotten hers yet so this was new territory for us.  He handled it great as long as he was on my lap and was rewarded with a lollipop.  Look at this handsome boy!  No longer a baby...sprouted right into big kid status...

The "before" picture

He's not sure what to think yet...

Book in hand and on Mommy's lap...

Look at this little man!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

putting sisters to bed...

Joseph is my little helper when it comes to putting his sisters to bed...

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Thursday, March 14, 2019

New toy

I sold some old baby clothes and equipment at a local kid's consignment sale and did a little shopping as well.  This was the best $4 I ever spent.  The kids (especially Joseph) just love this little toy.

Look at this face!  He's amazed watching the car zip around the track

...and then there was Evelyn.  She decided to take the battery powered car and run it across her head.  Her hair completely wrapped around the wheels and it was quite the challenge removing it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Taught herself....

Evelyn decided to ride two wheels.  Daddy removed the training wheels and off she went.  No fear!  She was zipping all around the neighborhood like she's been doing this for months.  Amazing!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Joseph and Daddy

Joseph really lights up the room when he sees his Daddy or when Daddy comes home from work.  When Joe is winding down at the end of the day, Joseph is always trying to snuggle into him.  He likes to sit and just chill with him all the time and he just keeps giving hugs.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Outside play time...

It's actually a nice, warm day outside and the sun even decided to make an appearance.  It's been nothing but rain here lately.  The kids ran around outside with the dogs and let out all their cooped up energy.

Friday, March 1, 2019

February wrap-up...

Pictures from February...

First lost tooth in the books... February 5, 2019

Lorelai is a great helper.  Right now she's doing Evelyn's speech therapy homework with her

Evelyn's learning about past presidents at school...

He's got his wagon full of blocks...ready to go

trying to pick up the dog....

Evelyn riding Izzy

This just cracked me up.  I stumbled upon this notebook of Lorelai's.  I just love the way she writes.  Apparently she's made an "inches and centimeters" book and then went around the house measuring her things with a tape measure.

still getting to know the cats... not friends yet.  Bruno so badly wants to play with them.