Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Yet another addition...

Well I guess things were just getting too easy around here so we decided to add another.  Meet Bruno, who came to us all the way from Germany!  He's 9 weeks old and the kids are loving him.  Addie is tolerant and definitely showing him what's what in this house.

I intended on taking a 1hr one way flight to Chicago to pick up the dog and then rent a car to drive us home.  Well, as I arrived at the airport my flight was cancelled and I was stuck with driving all the way there.  Six hours of driving, waiting around at customs, and the snow began to fall.  It took over 7 hours to get home in the snow storm and the crazy wind but we made it!  Such a long journey but he's already a sweet pup!

He was such a good little traveler. 

Joseph loves him and he's the perfect size for him...for NOW.  It won't be long before Bruno grows and grows!

Joseph always seems to be able to find his hiding places

...and Joseph must watch over to make sure he eats his breakfast

Joseph did this all on his own...

handsome guy!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Daddy Daughter Dance!

Lorelai's school held a Daddy-Daughter Dance last weekend.  She was so excited and nervous.  She picked out her dress with me online.  She was so certain she wanted a "long gown".  I curled her hair and Dad got her a corsage to wear.  She was nervous about dancing and made Joe practice with her for a couple of nights.  It was adorable.  They had a great time!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Valentine's Day!

The kids really enjoyed celebrating Valentine's Day.  Class parties, cards, candy, and cute outfits...what's not to love?  

Friday, February 8, 2019

Lorelai and Sassy...

Lorelai and her horse, Sassy, are really doing well together.  They're two peas in a pod!  Lorelai is really blossoming as a rider.  She really knows what she's doing...

Thursday, February 7, 2019

January wrap-up...

Pictures from January...

Lorelai is the best big sister in the snow.  She's a big help when it comes to lost mittens and hats that have fallen off.  She even drags her sisters around on the sled!  The girls are enjoying the snow for the brief time it is here...

Hot chocolate is good after the snow

This little guy is ready for bed I think...

Traveled to Knoxville for the weekend and it rained the entire time.  The kids favorite part is always the hotel but especially the awesome pool and room service!

The sun peeked out so we went to the playground

Playing a little dress-up

Spring cleaning and we're finding all kinds of treasures...

On our way to gymnastics and she's a bit tuckered out.  Sometimes Evelyn still could use a nap...

A wagon full of blocks

Anyone who knows Scarlet knows she's SASSY.  But she doesn't like it pointed out. She hates this outfit.  I've gotten her to wear it 2-3 times.  If she sees it she yells, "I'm not wearing the SASSY shirt!!!"

polar vortex coming through

This little boy wants to snack all the time.  For that reason, there's a child lock on the pantry door.  Doesn't help when someone leaves the door open.  He snuck these cookies in before snack time!

Evelyn's snowman (snow woman?) project with real working purse that opens and closes.  Evelyn was very specific with how she wanted her snowman to look.

What's the matter? Mom won't let him climb the oven to get at the hot pan on the stove.  She's so mean!