Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sweet big sister moment...

Evelyn is being a sweet big sister.  In this video she is trying to teach Scarlet how to do something.  It's sweet when Scarlet does the task and Evelyn says, "Yay!  You did it!"  She's so proud!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Morning craziness...

Just a little morning craziness.  Never a dull or quiet moment in this house.  At least they're playing nicely together...

Sunday, February 26, 2017

On the mend...

Sickness hit the Dai household hard last week.  Lorelai, Evelyn and myself were hit with an evil stomach bug.  Joe was out of town so I was on my own.  It was pretty miserable.  Thankfully it didn't last long.  We are on the mend though, and the sun is shining.  I took the girls outside for a little fresh air after being cooped up for two days.

Scarlet was the only one not to get sick.  How does this make sense?  I mean, she is the germiest out of all the kids and she'd eat the cat food if I'd let her!  Maybe she knows something I don't!

Evelyn bounced back pretty quick.  Every time she threw up she'd say "Mommy!  All better!!"  And I'm like, "No, you're not better yet".

It is practically impossible to take a picture of these three little girls, with all them looking at once.  This is the best I could do!

On the go...

Places to go, things to do!...  This girl is on the go!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

More backyard fun...

Another warm, sunny day!!  Everyone, outside!!!!

It was a little windy and Evelyn enjoyed making Scarlet laugh by throwing leaves into the air

They both thought it was hilarious...

She kept going back for more...

...and then she would laugh uncontrollably afterwards

While Evelyn and Scarlet played in the leaves, Lorelai was learning the game of baseball.  I think we'll be getting her into t-ball this year!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Fun on the swingset...

This has been a very mild winter.  Hardly any snow at all!  We've had several warm days but they've always been accompanied by lots of rain.  It's been so dreary and the girls have been cooped up in the house.  So when I noticed a glimmer of sunshine, it was time to kick them outside!

Such a good big sister

I don't think I've ever met a happier kid.  Evelyn enjoys life to the fullest!!  So happy!

Sister love?  I'm not sure....Evelyn looks like she's planning something...

Evelyn is very much into pictures and posing right now...

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sweet tooth!

Scarlet definitely has a sweet tooth.  We made some Valentine's Day cupcakes and she's been trying to get at them all day! So after dinner, I undressed her and let her make a mess.  She really enjoyed herself.  She was very careful at first.  I think she thought she could only eat the frosting and I had to help her break off some cake too.  Cupcakes are hard to eat when you have a little mouth! 

"For me, Mommy?"

First taste...

Yup!  It's a winner!

Ok, now we're getting down to business...

Cupcakes are slippery little suckers

Can I get every last bit into my mouth?

Cleaning off the fingers...

Definitely enjoyed her treat!  At the end she actually started licking her highchair tray...

Friday, February 10, 2017

Dust the blinds, Cinderella!

I have discovered new punishments for the children.  Chores!  It seems to work better than taking away screen time or time outs which can sometimes just lead to tantrums.  If the kids are misbehaving, I'll warn them with however many chores they'll have to do...  Well, Lorelai usually puts up a stink about having to clean but once she gets going she usually starts to have fun.  She's getting pretty good at cleaning too!  It's a win-win situation!

In the scenario below I don't even remember what Lorelai did to warrant a few chores.  I punished her the night before.  This morning we woke up and I told her we have to get ready for company coming to visit soon she she said, "Mommy, remember I have chores to do?  I can help you clean the guest room."  And that's just what she did.  Swiffer Dusters are perfect for kiddos and she was actually a big help!

Dusting the blinds...a job I hate to do.  This is why you have kids...

See? You don't know it...but this kid is being punished!

Scarlet helps too.  She makes sure the bathroom cabinets are fully stocked...

Friday, February 3, 2017

January wrap-up...

Some leftover pictures from January...

Practicing her "noise-making" skills...

"Daddy!  Wake up!!"

Just happy all the time...

She loves this stroller.  It really helped her to learn to walk but she still plays with it all the time.  I find all kinds of things loaded in the stroller: dish towels, magnets, utensils...

Maybe it's nap time...

Dear LORD.... this is what happens when your child is on her third round of antibiotics trying to kick this ear infection. 

Future pathologist??  She is always so interested in learning

We are on a weekend trip to Bowling Green, KY.  Checking out the local venues...we're in the country now!

This little girl loves to snack.  More so than any of our other kids.  If she sees the pantry door open, she beelines for it and grabs any snack she can get her hands on.  People are going to start thinking I don't feed my kid!

Poor, tolerant, sweet Addie girl...

Hanging out with the orangutans!

Evelyn climbed on this statue and yelled, "MOMMY!!! TAKE A PICTURE!!!"  and then struck a pose...

A full belly makes for a happy baby...

A rare moment when everyone is getting along

I've started to notice that a lot of Scarlet's pictures contain food...
Hurricane Scarlet strikes again...