Friday, February 26, 2016

It's a hard knock life...

I had a conversation with Lorelai today about money.  She really wanted a new game for her leap pad after seeing the promo for it.  I explained to her that she just got two new games for Christmas and she has lots of toys...she doesn't need anymore.  Cue the waterworks and the demands.  I explained briefly how money cost money and Daddy works hard for that money.  I explained to her that she had two options... 1. She could ask Santa for it or wait for her birthday.   2. She can do chores and make some money to earn the game herself.

Lorelai doesn't understand that there is another secret option.  Option number 3 which is to call up a grandparent and sweetly ask for the game....but we wont disclose that option to her.  I'm sure she will figure that out in due time.

So she has decided to work for the game.  It costs $8.  We shall see how long it takes her to earn the money.

Lorelai is dusting all the furniture in the livingroom.  The job pays 25 cents.  Trying to teach the value of hard work.

Don't forget to get in between all those tiny spaces!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Shooting up bad guys...

Daddy sometimes likes to unwind by playing video games.  The girls love to "play" too... we give them an extra remote that's not plugged in.  They love to play with Daddy.

Lorelai can be a little bossy when she plays.  She tells Daddy where to go and which bad guys to "get"!  Then she says, "I am very good at this game".

Sunday, February 21, 2016

All about Scarlet!

This post is all about my little, sweet, bundle of joy!

All smiles!

More smiles for Daddy!

...and her protector is never far away

Happy to run errands.  The hat and sweater both knitted by Momma!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Little Mover!

Scarlet is getting the hang of her scoots!  She is becoming quite the little mover!

Goodnight Scarlet.  Sweet Dreams.  This is how I put her to bed at 9pm

Good morning!  This is how I found her awake at 8am.  Eleven hours of straight sleep!  I am so thankful for this easy baby.  How did she even do this?

Monday, February 15, 2016


We had a rare, mild, sunny day and took full advantage of it.  These caged in kiddos need to run around outside and get their energy out!  Off to the playground we go....

My little fear!

Lorelai looks almost airborne in this picture!

These smiles are what keeps me going...

Friday, February 12, 2016

Activity mat play time!

Scarlet is getting more alert and that means more play time!  She loves her activity mat with all the music and bright colors.  She's content to lay on it for quite a while.  The girls like to play with her on the mat too!

I think Evelyn is having more fun than Scarlet!

Evelyn always looks at Scarlet adoringly.  She really loves her sister

Scarlet is learning to move too!  I placed her right here on the mat....did some chores and came back to check on her...

Look how much she moved!!  How did she do that?!

Miracles do happen.  All three playing nicely on the mat.  Maybe it's a magic mat?

Too sweet!  I love it when they all get along

Even Lola loves the mat!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Such a good dog...

I already posted this picture on facebook but thought I should add it here as well.  I am always amazed at how great Addie is with the kids.  She is constantly keeping an eye on them and making sure they're safe.  On this day, Scarlet was having some time on the floor and after a while she started to fuss.  I was not far away, just getting a drink in the kitchen and the girls were napping.  I said, "Hold on, Scarlet...Mommy is coming."  Before I could get to her, the crying had stopped and I found this!  Addie has placed herself up against her.  Addie gets agitated when the girls are upset (especially when they are babies) and she is trying to console Scarlet.  As you can see from the smile on Scarlet's face...Addie did an excellent job!  I love that I can trust this dog around all the kids....she has such a sensitive soul!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

My typical morning...

Mornings are busy because everyone needs me at once (including the dog).  We have a routine now and things go pretty smoothly.

Wake up at about 7am wanting some milk and breakfast.  Today it's oatmeal

Neither girl is a morning person and don't really start to perk up until after breakfast

After eating it's off to their bedrooms to get dressed, brush teeth, do their hair and make the beds.  Evelyn likes to help Lorelai with her bed because she gets to climb the ladder

Now they're pretending to be little angels while Mom gets ready for the morning
A little craziness is involved though...

My getting ready is interrupted by a cry from the other room...

Scarlet woke up at 6am...fed...and went back to sleep but now it's almost 8am and she's up again.  Change me!  Feed me!

The girls playing on the foot stool of my rocking chair while I feed Scarlet

Playing with the baby while Mom finishes getting ready

Everyone down to the basement so Mom can go for a run on the treadmill.  Four miles today, thank you very much!  Trying to work off the last five pounds of baby weight.  It gets harder and harder with each kiddo.  With the other two girls I didn't even have to TRY at losing weight.  Getting older sucks.

The girls play while I run...

Ok, Mom is exhausted.  Upstairs for a quick cartoon so I can shower. 

And my perfect little Scarlet sleeps!

Cold day outside but Evelyn is having none of it!  She wants to stay inside and color.

Lorelai wants to be bundled up and she plays in the backyard.  The snow doesn't keep her off those swings!  The girls occupy themselves while Mom does laundry, vacuums, dusts, and mops.

A little silliness with our potty training.  She's doing great!

Lunch time!....followed shortly by nap.  Counting the minutes.

Lorelai's turn to color while Evelyn is in bed.  I tell her, if she's not going to nap she has to play something quietly. 

And the day is only half over....  I love being able to stay home and care for these girls, but they sure can be a handful!

Monday, February 1, 2016

January wrap-up...

Leftover pictures from January

stylish baby

Selfie with Mom!

Helping Mom with some chores.  This girl loves to sweep!

Lorelai testing out her new scooter

Smiles for Daddy

I had to babysit a neighbor's little girl because school was cancelled today due to snow.  What's one more kid?  Just stick them all in the dog crate and this childcare stuff is easy!

I was doing my hair and Lorelai requested that I make her hair curly.  Beautiful!

Already working on her Valentine's Day cards for class.  And yes, they are Star Wars themed...

Sweet girl.  Loves her dolly.