Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Lovin' on Scarlet

Evelyn loves being a big sister and she is very interested in the baby.  If Scarlet cries, she runs to tell me.  Then she'll tell me that the baby is hungry....and needs milk.  I have a second Momma on my hands.  However, as loving as she is, I do have to watch her carefully.  She can be a bit rough.  She tries to pick up the baby, and she shares her toys by piling them on top of her, and when she cuddles with the baby she kind of lays completely on top of poor Scarlet!  She is still getting the hang of being GENTLE!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Morning

Our Christmas morning was mayhem!  Filled with: "Don't touch that!", "It's not your turn", "That's not your present", "Wait for your Dad!".....but we had a lot of fun and the girls were overjoyed with Santa's presents.  I have tons of pictures and videos...

The girls started with opening their stockings.  Lorelai was thrilled with her light saber!

These masks are from a new Disney cartoon that the girls like called, "PJ Masks"

Evelyn is much better at opening presents than last year. 

Lorelai got a "Critter Clinic" from Santa.  She loves it and carts it everywhere.  It has several little rooms to put her sick animals in and she has tools to do check ups. 

Evelyn is applying her make up.  Thanks Auntie!

Going Shopping!

Ok, this isn't the best picture but Lorelai was cracking me up with this.  She has her Darth Vader doll and her T-Rex attacking the children in Evelyn's Fisher Price jet.  Can you see a difference in their toy preferences?  She was having her Darth Vader talk to the toy children saying, "You should have eaten your broccoli" and then Darth Vader was telling the dinosaur to eat the people!  LOL!

Sweet Scarlet slept through most of the morning festivities.  But she's alert now!

Lorelai is giving me the "thumbs up" as I begin cooking our prime rib dinner

Here is a two minute video of our morning!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Our Christmas Eve...

The weather here has been abnormally BEAUTIFUL lately.  Warm and sunny!  We decided to pack up the girls and take them to the Louisville Zoo this morning and then we had a relaxing evening at home getting ready for Santa.

This was Scarlet's first official outing and our first time out as a family of five!  She was perfect.  She slept in the carrier almost the entire time and never made a peep.  I think she enjoyed the fresh air.

The orangutan was very interactive with the girls.

In their pajamas and ready for bed.  Now it's time for a nice holiday, family  movie....STAR WARS!  Lorelai is a little obsessed.

Enjoying her bike

Lorelai loves her big girl bike that she got for her birthday.  We've had a few days of really good weather so she's been able to enjoy it outside.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Enjoying Birthday presents!

Lorelai is enjoying her Birthday gifts.  She's got quite a few more coming next week at Christmas!


Playing a very serious game of "Goin' Fishin'"

Doc McStuffins Operation

Sunday, December 20, 2015

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..... Lorelai turned 4 years old and had a Star Wars themed birthday party!  She had a blast.  We celebrated at a venue that had lots of blow-up slides and bounce houses.  The pictures of the kids playing didn't come out very well because they wouldn't stop moving long enough for me to take any.  They sure tired out quick!!

Lorelai's Darth Vader cake...made by Momma.  I tried to convince her to pick any other Star Wars character for her cake but she wouldn't budge!  She loves the bad guys.  It was a lot of black frosting and all the kids' teeth turned black.  But still delicious!!

Loving the slides

All smiles!

She's just a blur going down the slides

A little pin the tail on the donkey

Blowing out the candles took her a couple tries

More desserts...more sugar rush

Loves her "big girl bike" from Mommy and Daddy!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

A little more Scarlet...

A video I made about our new baby, Scarlet....

pretty pretty princesses....

The girls love dressing up.  Today they are little princesses!  I just finished organizing a little dress-up station for them so they're excited to play with the costumes.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas Pageant

Lorelai had a Christmas Pageant at her school.  She had to learn eight Christmas songs (along with hand motions).  It was so adorable!  She was a little shy at first but in the end she really got into the singing.  The pictures below aren't the best but the videos are cute.

The little redhead boy next to her was getting so nervous he started undressing LOL

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Scarlet's photo shoot!

Photo bomb of Scarlet's photo shoot.  I can't believe how great the pictures came out.  Especially the pictures of all the girls.  The planets must have aligned in such a way that we were able to get all the girls smiling pretty and posing correctly all at the same time.  The photographer was so great with them!