Saturday, May 30, 2015


The girls have a new game they like to play.  Lorelai likes to pretend to be a "monster".  She growls and roars at Evelyn and Evelyn just turns into a fit of giggles...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Growth spurt??

I think Lorelai is going through a growth spurt.  Over the last week, she has been sleeping so much.  I've been having to wake her up every morning.  I even open her door in the morning and let Evelyn play and run around outside her room.  She snores right through all the noise.  When nap time comes...sometimes she's sleeping for 4 hours!!!!  And sometimes I still have to wake her up!

This is how I find her...

Thursday, May 21, 2015

My Mother's Day...

Joe is still out of town...which means that Mother's Day was just me and the girls.  I took them to the playground in the morning just to have a little fun (just the three of us).  It was a good morning.  Well, the day went downhill from there....there were a few tantrums....

glad this little girl is feeling better and having some fun

Loves the slides!

Tantrum #1...."Evelyn, don't go in the cabinets"
Tantrum #2... "Evelyn, time for dinner."
Tantrum #3.... I have no idea why she's fussing this time...

Monday, May 18, 2015

Calling Daddy...

Still missing her Dad.  She's making "make believe" calls to him on her phone...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

The very best Daddy...

As I mentioned, Joe has been out of town a lot this month.  The girls are definitely missing their Daddy.  Lorelai is a little distracted by the t.v. in this video but I thought it was real sweet...

Friday, May 15, 2015

Sick little one...

I've been behind in my posts because Joe has been out of town (a LOT this month!) and I've had a sick little one.  Poor Evelyn had a bad fever for a few days before taking her to the doctor and finding out she had ear infections in both ears and an upper respiratory infection.  She's been miserable and pathetic.  A day after taking antibiotics she is back to her normal self.....which means bugging her sister.

Many of you might not know this but the animal she is cuddling is actually Lorelai's stuffed Okapi.  It is Lorelai's favorite.  She sleeps with it every night and Evelyn can't so much as look at it without Lorelai freaking out about her maybe touching it.  When I told Lorelai that Evelyn was sick, she brought Evelyn her Okapi to cuddle to "help her feel better."  Such a sweet gesture.  When they aren't killing each other, they can really be quite loving :)

A day on the couch...watching cartoons

Thank goodness this cranky baby is sleeping

And with Joe out of town, she ended up in my bed this morning.  She has never slept in my, ever!  I think she just needed Mommy.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Sunny day with our pets...

Enjoying the gorgeous weather with our pets...

She is always so happy with this dog

Evelyn and her best bud

Our old guy, Pinot, is enjoying the sun

This is one of the most tolerant cats I've ever known.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Lorelai loves baseball.  I recently bought her a tee, bat, and balls and she loves to have batting practice in the yard...

She loves to bat.  I have to repeatedly correct her hand placement and her stance.  She does not like Mommy to "show her" how to do things.  She will usually listen to others though.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

April wrap up...

Miscellaneous pictures from the month of April...

Tea party with Addie

Evelyn is always on Addie's bed.  They are the best of friends.

She LOVES this dog.  They are never far apart

I love this picture and her crazy pigtails

Evelyn even likes to play with her toys on Addie's bed.  She tries to share her toys with the dog.  So funny

Lorelai dragged her chair into Daddy's office so they can "study" together.  I can't wait til all this studying is over!

This picture is just a big brag moment for me.  Lorelai did this completely herself.  I wasn't even watching her.  She just said, "Mom!  I did all my numbers!"  She keeps practicing because she asks to go to school everyday.  I just think her penmanship is amazing for a 3 year old.  I'm so proud of her.  I think she's going to be a good student.  I plan on starting her in preK in the fall.

Evelyn driving with her friend, Mason, in the back

Evelyn and Mason sitting in a tree!