Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dancing with Ariel...

Lorelai got a new singing little mermaid doll... Evelyn is very attached to it and likes to dance as she sings.  She doesn't have many dance moves yet, but I'm sure Lorelai will teach her some.


Kids are noisy...that's a given.  This video does not do the noise level justice.  The noise is echoing off the tile throughout the house.  They've been running around for a good 15minutes now.  Hopefully they will nap!!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

singing and dancing career??

I was doing chores upstairs and the girls were playing nicely in the playroom.  Suddenly I hear loud, off-key singing.  I caught Lorelai singing and dancing.  She soon realized I was filming but continued with her show.  She has some interesting "moves" and her singing can only be described as "unique".  But I think it's hilarious.  She is too adorable.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

New shoes...

It's the little things in life...and Lorelai is ecstatic about her new shoes.  She'll show you how they work!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Family day...

Another beautiful zoo day.  The zoo recently updated their toddler area.  They have a new beach area with pails and shovels.  There's also a water area where they can get wet (we'll have to do this another time on a warmer day).  The girls loved the beach.  They didn't want to leave to look at more animals.  These girls are ready for the REAL beach!

This zoo makes the girls so happy

Lorelai is riding a sea turtle and Evelyn is on a tortoise

The girls weren't really cooperating in this picture.  Evelyn would NOT put down her popcorn cup

Again...won't let go of the popcorn cup.  This girl loves her snacks

So happy to play in the sand

I have to watch Evelyn closely around the pigs.  She treats them like she treats Addie!  Wanting to climb all over them.  We have to remind her to be "gentle" like we do with our cats.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Practicing Letters...

Lorelai is getting ready for school by practicing her letters.  She got a whiteboard pad and dry erase markers in her Easter basket.  She has been practicing everyday and it's her new favorite hobby.  What makes me laugh is when she makes a mistake... she'll huff and puff, get frustrated, and erase the whole thing and start over.  Sounds like someone I know....a perfectionist like her Momma. 

she is concentrating so hard

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Delayed Easter post...

Sorry for the delay in postings.  Sickness has been passed around our house from person to person (and back again!) for the last two weeks!!  Now, everyone is feeling better and I can get back to business...

We had a pretty low key Easter.  I was sick so I didn't make the big, fancy dinner like I usually do.  The girls were very excited to find that the Easter Bunny left them baskets of goodies.  And they both had a great time with the egg hunt in the afternoon.  I discovered that I need to do a better job hiding the eggs because Lorelai found them so quickly!!!  Next year I will make it harder.

Lorelai is showing off her colored eggs

She is such a ham

Very proud of her eggs

Evelyn found some eggs...but I think she just wanted to swing

Here are a couple videos of the egg hunt....

And a video of our entire Easter Holiday....

Saturday, April 11, 2015

March wrap up...

Wrapping up March with these leftover miscellaneous pictures...ENJOY!

Swinging with joy!

Auntie is getting creative with her picture taking

A little love between sisters.  Evelyn loves to give kisses

Snuggles with Auntie

And some kisses for the dog

"Mom, I'm asleep, I swear!"

Evelyn and her scowls

We took Lorelai to see the new Cinderella movie.  To involved in the previews to smile for the camera

family time outside.  Giving some love to Pinot

I had to wake up this sleeping baby so we could take Daddy to the airport.  I planned to do it as gently as possible so she might not be cranky.  Lorelai had other plans.  See that hand coming in to the screen shot?  Seconds later she's yelling "wake up, Evelyn!"  sigh.....