Friday, February 22, 2013


Tons of random pics of our little Lorelai...

She really gets into the weirdest places

Maybe she needs a jungle gym?

Mesmerized by Sesame Street (notice the eyes that are glazed over).  Honestly, she doesn't watch much tv but Sesame Street can definitely be a life saver when Mommy needs a break or needs to cook dinner or get something done, etc

Bananas are one of Lorelai's favorite foods.  But, uh, I don't think that's right Lorelai...

Lorelai likes to mimic and copy.  She sees Daddy's weights

Trying hard to pump some iron like her Daddy.  Maybe she needs those little 2lb weights

She climbs all over the dog.  Poor Addie is so tolerant of "her" baby

I really do think they're going to grow up great friends

Lorelai is trying to sniff my Valentine's flowers.  However, she keeps opening her mouth to taste them!

Doesn't taste good, does it Lorelai?

Wouldn't nap on this day and fell asleep on the livingroom floor, cuddling with her Daddy

New playroom!

I think I am more excited about this than Lorelai is!  We've had this giant bonus room in the house and, all this time, we've really done nothing with it.  Well, this week I've been slowly clearing it out and cleaning it up.  Lorelai is old enough now to have a playroom and a safe place for all her toys.  (Really, I'm just sick of her toys taking over our livingroom).  I had to special-order a safety gate for the doorway and I put her tent in there and made her a little reading corner.  She also has a big toy box and all her bikes, walkers, riding toys etc.  It's coming along. She gets excited every time we walk past the room!

The whole room is completely baby proof.  A space just for Lorelai
Lots of room to run around
Loves her big girl chair (thank you Aunt Lorraine!)

Here is Lorelai enjoying her reading corner.  She likes this new bookcase because she has easy access to her books and she definitely enjoys flipping through the pages.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ball pit...

You've probably seen pictures of Lorelai's tent and ball pit.  Well, on this day Lorelai was persistent in trying to get into this bag of balls to play in.  I helped her out and stuck her in but then she started to sink and started to get a little nervous.  Funny baby!!

She wanted to get into the bag that we store the balls in

Naptime issues

Ok, so it's no secret that most kids don't like naps.  Lorelai may just be a tad dramatic about it though.  She usually lays down just fine but she hates it when I walk out of the room and leave her alone.  See for yourself...

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Lorelai loves to dance.  Anything with music gets her moving.  Although, she hasn't really developed her moves yet... she's working on it...


Lorelai loves both showers and baths.  She loves the water and to splash.  My little water-bug.  I can't wait to take her to the beach in a couple of months.  I wonder how she'll do in the sand!  I'm sure she'll love every minute.

This smile melts my heart

Monday, February 4, 2013

Loves Mommy's things...

If it's Mommy's, Lorelai wants it and wants to play with it.  No matter how simple.  She is getting into a phase where she really loves to mimic those around her.  Today she decided she wanted to wear my sunglasses (even though she has her own that she never wants to wear).  She thought it was the funniest thing that she was putting on Mommy's glasses.

"What are you looking at?  I can SO pull this look off!"


Game Day...

No, the patriots weren't in the Superbowl but Lorelai was showing her team spirit anyways.  We didn't do anything exciting on game day.  I had to work (it was a very busy day) and Joe watched the baby and studied for his GIANT exam coming up on the 21st.  I'm sure Lorelai would have shown more interest in the commercials than the game.  She loves to watch babies and animals on the tv.