Friday, November 30, 2012

Story time...

Lorelai loves books.  Lorelai also loves music and lights.  Put them together and what do you get?  An awesome birthday gift!  Lorelai loves this book.  I know, because I hear the musical rhymes....all day..... every day.... 

Ummm, Lorelai?  That is not how you read a book!


Best Birthday Card ever

As we all know, Lorelai's birthday is right around the corner... and the presents are flooding in!  Lorelai unwrapped a present and received a birthday card from my brother, Joe.  The card was her favorite part!!  Hahaha.  She loves anything with music and lights and she was just mesmerized by the card...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Shopping buddy

Madelaine is Lorelai's BFF and she and her Mommy and Daddy (our friends, Effie and Kyle) are up for the week visiting.  We are so excited to see them.  Madelaine is 3 months younger than Lorelai.  It was so nice to see them play together.  They were gentle with each other and just babbled and talked to one another.  Lorelai loves to talk with other babies! 

Friends reuniting

shopping buddies!  It made shopping easier for the Mommas to have the babies together.  They entertained one another

both passed out after a long day

Random playtime pictures

Lorelai sure likes to play with all of her toys.  But I know she is sure looking forward to her birthday that is right around the corner... and CHRISTMAS TOO! 
She likes to close the lids, but hasn't learned how to open all of them just yet

This picture is going to make me "Mother of the Year".  She was crawling all around and getting into stuff and soon I heard a frustrated cry.  She got stuck trying to climb through the bars of her jumparoo.  I had to take a picture before I helped her hahaha. 

Her favorite playmate is definitely the dog.  She loves to crawl all over her.  The dog has gotten more and more protective of Lorelai too.  It's "her" baby. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

11 Months Old!!

The best part of Lorelai turning 11 months the fact that I only have to do one more of these photo shoots.  She won't sit still!!!! hahaha.  It is so difficult to take these pictures now!  Anyways, it is so hard to believe that she is one month shy of her first birthday... makes me a little sad.  I love her more and more each day. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Past her naptime...

The lights are on, and nobody's home!  Lorelai has a serious case of the giggles.  It's definitely nap time for her...


Lorelai is eating more and more "big girl" food.  She loves to try new things and she likes to eat anything that Mommy and Daddy are eating. 

Turkey, cheese, and veggies



Yummy pancakes.  She loves these!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I scream, you scream, we all scream for.....

ICE CREAM!  Lorelai had her very first taste of ice cream and she loved it.  At first she would make a big grimace on her face because the ice cream was so cold, but she kept asking for more!

So cold!

Friday, November 9, 2012


Some of you may not know this about Joe...  When he is utterly, totally exhausted (fighting sleep), he tends to sleep with his eyes open.  They get red and irritated and the end result is just creepiness.  Well, it appears that our daughter has inherited this trait from her Daddy.  This day, she was so exhausted that I was changing her and she still wasn't waking up.  I put her right to bed. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Another zoo post...

We are taking full advantage of our annual passes as we took Lorelai to the zoo again!  She loves to go and it makes for a great family day. 

Lorelai is ready to go!  Bring on the animals!

She loves to ride on Daddy's shoulders.  She can see everything from way up there!

This is Lorelai enjoying the "tot-spot".  It's a special area designed for kids under age 5.  There's a lot of play equipment and things to climb on. 

She is fearless!!  She loves it when Daddy pushes her fast (even though Mommy is shouting "slow down!")

One of the aquariums in the "tot-spot".  Lorelai loves it because she can climb right up to the glass.  I think she'd stay there all day watching the fish if she could.

She kept trying to "catch" the fish